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James Parker collection

James S. Parker owned the firm Copelin Commercial Photographs that operated continuously in Chicago beginning in 1856. The collection's photographic negatives and prints extensively record Chicago's built environment.
Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Records

Congressman Frank Annunzio standing next to President Jimmy Carter in parade
Congressman Frank Annunzio and Angeline Annunzio (left center) standing in a line directly to the left of President Jimmy Carter (left center). President Carter holds the hand of his daughter Amy Carter (on his right), who holds the hand of the first lady Rosalynn Carter to her right. Mayor Richard J. Daley stands at Mrs. Carter's right.

Congressman Frank Annunzio talking to President Jimmy Carter
Congressman Frank Annunzio (left center) talking to President Jimmy Carter (left center). Also shown are Rosalynn Carter (fourth from right), Mayor Richard J. Daley (third from right).

Jimmy Carter and family in a downtown parade
Marching in a parade in downtown Chicago are, left to right: Congressman Marty Russo, Angeline Annunzio, Congressman Frank Annunzio, President Jimmy Carter, Amy Carter, Rosalynn Carter, Mayor Richard J. Daley, and an unidentified man.