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1900 graduating class, University of Illinois College of Dentistry


Class of 1900, Illinois School of Dentistry
as pictured, left to right, top to bottom
† indicates faculty/staff
A.V. Garretson
H. Grossman
J.D. Heckman
W.D. Murto
H.S. Dowell
F. Bissett
B.A. Edwards
J.J. Jankowski
Elgin Neal
C.D. Cook
C.J. Drueck, M.D. †
G.T. Carpenter, M.D., D.D.S. †
E. DeWitt Brothers, B.S., LL.B. †
G.W. Cook, D.D.S. †
G.E. Rollins, M.D. †
D.M. Cattel [D.M. Cattell], D.D.S. †
A.S. Hague
U.G. Windell, M.D. †
F.N. Brown, D.D.S., Dean †
E. Ma Whinney, D.D.S. †
G.W. Dittmar, D.D.S. †
B.J. Cigrand, M.S., D.D.S. †
J.B. Palmer, D.D.S. †
T.E. Powell, D.D.S. †
R.P. Donaldson, Clerk †
Rev. S.H. Wirsching, Chaplain †
R.N. Baker, D.D.S. †
G. Craig, D.D.S. †
C.J. Winder, Valedictorian
O.P. Morse, Orator
T.S. Hollis, Prophet
C. Hansen, Treasurer
F.C. Roe, Vice-President
C.E. Jones, President
G.B. Sinclair, Secretary
P.M. Beach, Historian