Help - Explore by Map

You can view any set of search results on a map, explore a particular collection by map, or browse all of our materials by map.

Image: map icon
When the search results or collection you're viewing have mapped items, you'll see this icon to get to the Map view.

When you load the map, it will show how many items can be found in that area. As you zoom in, the count will change to show you results at more specific places.

Image: zoomed out map

A map view zoomed out to include Chicago suburbs

Image: medium zoom map
A map zoomed in to the Washington Park area in Chicago.

Click on a map pin to preview the item located in that area.

Image: zoomed in map

A map showing images taken at the corner of 51st and King Dr. 

Map Accuracy

If we have the exact address for an item, the map pin will be placed at that address. If we only have a neighborhood or city, the pin will be placed at the geographic center of that area. So you may recognize particular buildings or streetscapes that aren’t exactly where you expect them to be.

Map information for Chicago may be less accurate for older images, particularly for any images before 1909, when Chicago’s street addresses were updated.

Map Completeness

We don’t always have geographic information about images and items in our collections, so the map view will always be a smaller subset of your search results.

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