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Ast, Bruno. Interview. August 17, 2006.
Professor Bruno Ast interviewed by Hasassah Adler. Interview conducted in the Port Center, University of Illinois at Chicago. Ast recounts his early days as an architect, how he was recruited to teach at the university, the ways the college and the architecture program evolved and changed over time. He discusses relationships between faculty and the administration over the years.

Haar, Sharon. Interview. April 3, 2006.
Professor Sharon Haar discusses restructuring the curriculum at the college of architecture, design and the arts, women in higher education (architecture), and drawing more underrepresented groups to the field. Regarding UIC’s influence in Chicago, she compares Chicago to New York and schools of architecture in each location. Haar voices her desire for the future of materials donated to the university archives.

Ast, Bruno and Rocah, Louis. Interview. March 13, 2006.
Professors Bruno Ast and Louis Rocha reflect on their years teaching at the college of architecture. Topics include renowned architects who visited or taught, notable students, establishing college of architecture curriculum, its strengths, and state of the college at the time of interview.

Gelick, Michael. Interview. June 13, 2006.
Michael Gelick shares his over 30 years’ experience as an educator at UIC and architect at his own firm. He discusses architecture and specifically the curriculum at UIC including faculty, administrators, and trends over the years.