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Showing 1 - 25 of 25 Records

Democratic Party rally for the Humphrey-Muskie ticket
Mayor Richard J. Daley standing behind the speaker's podium shaking hands with Hubert Humphrey at a 1968 Democratic Party rally. Eleanor "Sis" Daley is standing on the stage to the left; Senator Paul Douglas is standing behind Humphrey. Large photo portraits of Hubert Humphrey, Edward Muskie, and William D. Clark hang on the curtain behind the stage.

Paul Douglas with Richard J. Daley and Hubert Humphrey
Senator Paul Douglas standing outside with his arms around Mayor Richard J. Daley and Senator Hubert Humphrey.

Hubert Humphrey and Richard J. Daley applaud astronauts James McDivitt and Edward H. White
Vice President Hubert Humphrey and Mayor Richard J. Daley applaud astronauts James McDivitt and Edward H. White who have received plaques.

Otto Kerner, Muriel Humphrey, Hubert Humphrey, Richard J. Daley, and Eleanor Daley
Two Humphrey sons (left), Otto Kerner, Muriel Humphrey, Vice President Hubert Humphrey, Mayor Richard J. Daley, and Eleanor "Sis" Daley at the airport.

Richard J. Daley with Hubert Humphrey
Mayor Richard J. Daley shaking hands with Vice President Hubert Humphrey.

Muriel and Hubert Humphrey, Richard J. Daley and others at a banquet
Muriel Humphrey (left), Senator Hubert Humphrey (center), Mayor Richard J. Daley (right) and others at a banquet table.

Hubert Humphrey and Muriel Humphrey greet welcomers at the airport
Vice President Hubert Humphrey and Muriel Humphrey greeting welcomers at the airport. Mayor Richard J. Daley is at the left.

Members of the Daley family with Hubert Humphrey
Group portrait with John Daley, William Daley, Mayor Richard J. Daley, Vice President Hubert Humphrey, Eleanor "Sis" Daley, Mary Carol Daley, Richard M. Daley, and Michael Daley.

Richard J. and Eleanor Daley with Hubert Humphrey
Mayor Richard J. Daley and Eleanor "Sis" Daley with Vice President Hubert Humphrey and others at the airport.

Hubert Humphrey speaking with Richard J. Daley
Vice President Hubert Humphrey speaking with Mayor Richard J. Daley at the airport. Governor Otto Kerner is standing 3rd from left; Eleanor "Sis" Daley is second from right; Muriel Humphrey is 4th from left.

Richard J. Daley, Hubert Humphrey, and Edward Kennedy
Mayor Richard J. Daley speaks with Edward Kennedy (left), Hubert Humphrey (second from right) and an unidentified man.

Democratic Party rally for the Humphrey-Muskie ticket
View of the stage at a Democratic Party rally in the Chicago Stadium. Hubert Humphrey and Mayor Richard J. Daley are standing in the center. Humphrey is reaching in front of Daley to shake the hand of an Governor Samuel Shapiro. Large photo portraits of Hubert Humphrey, Edward Muskie, and William D. Clark hang on the curtain behind the stage.

Hubert and Muriel Humphrey, Richard J. Daley, Otto Kerner and others with a Democratic donkey
Mayor Richard J. Daley, Muriel Humphrey, Hubert Humphrey, Illinois Governor Otto Kerner and others with a donkey wearing a sign reading "41st Ward Democratic Organization".

Hubert Humphrey waving to outdoor audience
Vice President Hubert Humphrey waving to an outdoor audience. Muriel Humphrey is behind him; Eleanor "Sis" Daley, Mayor Richard J. Daley, and Dan Rostenkowski are also on the dais.

Richard J. Daley shaking hands with Hubert Humphrey
Mayor Richard J. Daley shaking hands with Vice President Hubert Humphrey.

Richard J. Daley and Hubert Humphrey at a dinner
Mayor Richard J. Daley, Senator Hubert Humphrey, and unidentified man dressed formally at a dinner.

Richard J. Daley with Hubert Humphrey
Mayor Richard J. Daley shaking hands with Vice President Hubert Humphrey.

Richard J. Daley with Lyndon B. Johnson and Hubert Humphrey
Mayor Richard J. Daley (center) standing with President Lyndon B. Johnson (left) and Hubert Humphrey.

James McDivitt applauded by Hubert Humphrey and Richard J. Daley
Astronaut James McDivitt (standing, center) being applauded by Vice President Hubert Humphrey (left), Mayor Richard J. Daley (right) and others in City Council chambers.

John F. Kennedy speaking at at a Democratic dinner
President John F. Kennedy speaking from a podium during a Democratic Party dinner at the Conrad Hilton Hotel. At left stands an applauding Mayor Richard J. Daley; at right are Senator Paul Douglas and Senator Hubert Humphrey.

John F. Kennedy speaking at at a Democratic dinner
President John F. Kennedy speaking from a podium during a Democratic dinner at the Conrad Hilton Hotel. At left stands Mayor Richard J. Daley clapping; at right stands Senator Paul Douglas, Senator Hubert Humphrey, and an unidentified man.

John F. Kennedy speaking at at a Democratic dinner
President John F. Kennedy speaking from a podium during a Democratic dinner at the Conrad Hilton Hotel. Mayor Richard J. Daley is on the left and Senator Paul Douglas, Senator Hubert Humphrey, and others are on the right.

Members of the Daley family with Hubert Humphrey
Group portrait with John Daley, William Daley, Mayor Richard J. Daley, Vice President Hubert Humphrey, Eleanor "Sis" Daley, Eleanor R. Daley, Richard M. Daley, and Michael Daley, inscribed by Vice President Hubert Humphrey to the Daley family.

Democratic Party rally for the Humphrey-Muskie ticket
A crowd applauds Mayor Richard J. Daley, who is speaking from a podium during a Democratic Party pre-election rally. Hubert Humphrey stands on the stage behind Mayor Daley. Eleanor "Sis" Daley is also standing on the stage to the left. Senator Paul Douglas is standing behind Humphrey. Large photo portraits of Hubert Humphrey, Edward Muskie, and William D. Clark hang on the curtain behind the stage.

James McDivitt speaks in City Council chambers after receiving award
Astronaut James McDivitt speaks at a podium in City Council chambers upon receiving an award from Mayor Richard J. Daley. Astronaut Edward H. White and Vice President Hubert Humphrey are seated at left; Mayor Richard J. Daley is to the right.