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Showing 51 - 58 of 58 Records

Girls working with dough in cooking class
Two girls in aprons working with dough in Hull-House cooking class

Boys tasting frosting in cooking class
Four boys in Hull-House cooking class taste frosting from the bowl

Girls working with dough in cooking class
Two girls in aprons working with dough in Hull-House cooking class

Girls working with dough in cooking class
Two girls in aprons working with dough in Hull-House cooking class

Girls working with dough in cooking class
Girls in aprons working with dough in Hull-House cooking class

Woman completing sign at drafting table
Woman at a drafting table at Hull-House completing a sign for the Near West Side Community Coordinating Committee

Hull-House citizenship class
Teacher sitting with three students in a Hull-House citizenship class

Hull-House citizenship class
Miss Ball in front of chalkboard instructing adult students in a Hull-House citizenship class.