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Showing 1 - 8 of 8 Records

Portable sewing machine case
Transcribed from image (text cut off in part): Storage; Portable sewing machine case. Sears Code Dept. 817 Industrial Design. Title: Case; Designer: C.A. Harrison; Date 7-26-71; Design Only - Not for production

Portable sewing machine case
Transcribed from image: Storage; Portable sewing machine case. Sears Code Dept. 817 Industrial Design. Title: Case; Designer: C. Harrison; Date 5-26-74; Design Only - Not for production

Bridges, viaducts, and underpasses: 18th St. Bridge 2 (Folder 52)
Bridges, viaducts and underpasses included: 18th St. Bridge 2 (1966)

Carrying case with stripes
Transcribed from image: Industrial Design D/817. Sears, Roebuck and Co. Designer: C. Harrison; Date: 2-12-76; Sketch 3 of 3.

Portable sewing machine case
Transcribed from image: Storage; Portable sewing machine case. Sears Code Dept. 817 Industrial Design. Title: Case; Designer: C. Harrison; Date 7-26-71; Design Only - Not for production

Portable sewing machine case
Transcribed from image: Storage; Portable sewing machine case. Sears Code Dept. 817 Industrial Design. Title: Case; Designer: C. Harrison; Date 7-26-74; Design Only - Not for production

Portable sewing machine case
Transcribed from image: Portable sewing machine case. Sears Code Dept. 817 Industrial Design. Title: Case; Designer: C.A. Harrison; Date 5-26-74; Design Only - Not for production

Carrying Case
Transcribed from image: Portable sewing machine case. Code Dept. 817 Industrial Design [text is cut off]. Title: Carrying Case; Designer: C.A. Harrison; Date 11-23-71 Design Only - Not for production