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Aerial view of the area around Ogden Slip
Aerial view to the east from the Equitable Building (401 North Michigan Avenue) showing land use on the Near North Side around Ogden Slip. Parking lots occupy a large area around Ogden Slip; cleared but unused land is on its south side. North Columbus Drive is in the foreground. In the distance, the James Jardine Water Filtration Plant and Navy Pier are visible on the lakefront. The Kraft-Phenix building and plant, and North Pier Terminal (Pugh Terminal) are in front of Lake Point Tower to the west.

East Illinois Street, view to east
View looking east along the north side of East Illinois Street, with a Kraft factory to the east of the parking lot. Lake Point Tower rises behind it. The Vogue-Wright Studios are visible near the center of the image. East Illinois Street is on the right side of the image. North Pier Terminal (Pugh Terminal) is on the extreme right of the image.

Parking lots and industrial buildings, Near North Side
View to northeast from Pioneer Court Plaza (originally Equitable Plaza), showing parking lots and a snack shop (foreground) to the east of North Saint Clair Street. East Illinois Street runs across the middle ground of the image. The Vogue-Wright Studios are visible near the center of the image. To the right, the Kraft-Phenix building and plant and the west end of North Pier Terminal are visible in front of Lake Point Tower.