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Showing 1 - 15 of 15 Records

Apollo 17 astronauts Cernan, Evans, and Schmitt in Chicago parade
Apollo 17 astronauts Eugene A. Cernan, Ronald E. Evans, and Harrison H. Schmitt ride in an open parade car down State Street, with Mayor Richard J. Daley sitting in the front seat.

Apollo 10 astronauts Eugene Cernan and Thomas Stafford at Chicago City Hall
Mayor Richard J. Daley standing in a crowd with Apollo 10 astronauts Eugene Cernan and Thomas Stafford inside City Hall. Eleanor "Sis" Daley (second from right) is also in attendance.

Apollo 10 astronauts Eugene Cernan and Thomas Stafford at Chicago City Hall
Astronaut Eugene Cernan with his wife and daughter entering Chicago City Hall. Astronaut Stafford and family follow behind. Signs welcoming them are posted on the wall and a crowd has gathered in the halls to greet the astronauts.

Apollo 10 astronauts Eugene Cernan and Thomas Stafford at Chicago City Hall
Apollo 10 astronauts Eugene Cernan (left) and Thomas Stafford (right), along with their families, are greeted by a crowd gathered inside Chicago City Hall.

Apollo 10 astronauts Eugene Cernan and Thomas Stafford at Chicago City Hall
Apollo 10 astronaut Eugene Cernan (right) presents Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley with a framed montage. The gift contains an American flag, an Illinois flag, and an Apollo 10 patch.

Astronauts Gene Cernan and Tom Stafford welcomed to Bellwood
Mayor Richard J. Daley and others welcome astronauts Gene Cernan and Tom Stafford to the Village of Bellwood.

Honoring the Apollo 10 astronauts Eugene Cernan and Thomas Stafford
Mayor Richard J. Daley looking down at a speech during a special Chicago City Council meeting held in honor of the Apollo 10 astronauts.

Apollo 10 astronauts Eugene Cernan and Thomas Stafford at Chicago City Hall
Mayor Richard J. Daley presents silver bowls to the Apollo 10 astronauts Thomas Stafford (left) and Eugene Cernan (right). The astronauts' wives are sitting on the podium next to their husbands. Eleanor "Sis" Daley is also on the podium, standing and applauding with members of the audience.

Apollo 10 astronauts Eugene Cernan and Thomas Stafford at Chicago City Hall
Mayor Richard J. Daley accepts a framed montage from Apollo 10 astronauts Thomas Stafford (left) and Eugene Cernan (right) during a special city council meeting held in the astronauts' honor.

Apollo 10 astronauts Eugene Cernan and Thomas Stafford visit Chicago
Apollo 10 astronauts Eugene Cernan (left) and Thomas Stafford (right) riding an open car in the rain during a ticker tape parade in their honor.

Apollo 10 astronauts Eugene Cernan and Thomas Stafford visit Chicago
Apollo 10 astronauts Thomas Stafford (left) and Eugene Cernan (right) talking to an unidentified boy at a reception. Mayor Richard J. Daley is standing nearby.

Honoring the Apollo 10 astronauts Eugene Cernan and Thomas Stafford
Mayor Richard J. Daley, along with attendees at a special meeting in Chicago City Council chambers, standing and applauding Apollo 10 astronauts Thomas Stafford and Eugene Cernan.

Honoring the Apollo 10 astronauts Eugene Cernan and Thomas Stafford
Mayor Richard J. Daley giving a speech during a special City Council meeting held in honor of Apollo 10 astronauts Thomas Stafford and Eugene Cernan.

Richard J. Daley with the Apollo 10 astronauts
Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley escorting Apollo 10 astronauts Eugene Cernan and Thomas Stafford on a rainy Chicago street.

Richard J. Daley welcoming the Apollo 10 astronauts
Mayor Richard J. Daley and a man welcome Apollo 10 astronauts Eugene Cernan (left) and Thomas Stafford (right) to Chicago.