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Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Records

Bess Truman shaking hands with Stephen A. Mitchell
Bess Truman shaking hands with Stephen A. Mitchell at Chicago's Grand Central train station. Onlookers include Jacob Arvey, Richard J. Daley, President Harry S. Truman, and Margaret Truman.

Harry S. Truman and family greeted by prominent Chicago Democrats
President Harry S. Truman, Bess Truman, and Margaret Truman being greeted by Jacob Arvey (Illinois national committeeman), Richard J. Daley (Cook County Democratic Chairman) , Stephen A. Mitchell (Democratic national chairman), and James Ronan at Chicago's Grand Central train station.

Tea dance, Harry Truman and Richard J. Daley with Swedish royalty
Princess Desiree of Sweden, Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley, Harry Truman (former President of the United States), Princess Birgitta of Sweden, Eleanor "Sis" Daley, and B.G. Jarnstedt (Swedish Consul General) at a tea dance hosted by the Daleys at the Sheraton-Blackstone Hotel.

Harry S. Truman shaking hands with Richard J. Daley
Richard J. Daley shaking hands with President Harry S. Truman at Chicago's Grand Central train station. Onlookers include Jacob Arvey, Stephen A. Mitchell, and an unidentified man.