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Martin Kennelly, Paul Douglas, John Kennedy, Stephen Mitchell and Richard J. Daley at a Democratic Party fundraiser
Chicago's Mayor Martin Kennelly, Sen. Paul Douglas (D-Ill.), Sen. John Kennedy (D-Mass.), Stephen Mitchell (Democratic National Committee Chairman), and Richard J. Daley (Chairman, Cook County Democratic Committee) at a $100-a-plate Democratic Party fundraising banquet. Douglas and Kennedy were the main speakers at the event.

Richard J. Daley at a party for Democratic Party leaders
Richard J. Daley (second from right) greets Averell Harriman (left), Adlai Stevenson II, and Estes Kefauver at a party given by Daley for Democratic Party leaders. In the foreground is a Democratic Donkey wearing a blanket that says "Victory in '56".

Martin Kennelly, Paul Douglas, John Kennedy, Stephen Mitchell and Richard J. Daley at a Democratic Party fundraiser
Chicago's Mayor Martin Kennelly, Sen. Paul Douglas (D-Ill.), Sen. John Kennedy (D-Mass.), Stephen Mitchell (Democratic National Committee Chairman), and Richard J. Daley (Chairman, Cook County Democratic Committee) at a $100-a-plate Democratic Party fundraising banquet. Douglas and Kennedy were the main speakers at the event.