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Showing 1 - 34 of 34 Records

Patricia Kearney on stage in a production of "The Threepenny Opera" at Hull-House Theater
Patricia Kearney as Pirate Jenny on stage in a production of "The Threepenny Opera" by Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill at Hull House Theater

Patricia Kearney and Frances Cattell on stage in a production of "The Threepenny Opera" at Hull-House Theater
Patricia Kearney (right) as Pirate Jenny and Frances Cattell as a prostitute on stage in a production of "The Threepenny Opera" by Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill at Hull House Theater

Beatrice Fredman on stage in a production of "Play" at Hull-House Theater
Beatrice Fredman on stage in a production of "Play" by Samuel Beckett at Hull House Theater; only her face, painted white, is visible (mouth closed) at the top of a large urn

Rose Bormacher on stage in a production of "The Threepenny Opera" at Hull-House Theater
Rose Bormacher as a flower vendor on stage in a production of "The Threepenny Opera" by Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill at Hull House Theater

Stuart Eckhaus on stage in a production of "The Connection" at Hull-House Sheridan playhouse
Stuart Eckhaus as Ernie on stage in a production of "The Connection" by Jack Gelber at Hull-House Sheridan playhouse; he is gesturing with a cigarette in his right hand and his left hand in his pocket

Bill Terry on stage in a production of "The Connection" at Hull-House Sheridan playhouse
Bill Terry as Sam on stage in a production of "The Connection" by Jack Gelber at Hull-House Sheridan playhouse

Stuart Eckhaus on stage in a production of "The Connection" at Hull-House Sheridan playhouse
Stuart Eckhaus as Ernie sitting in a chair on stage in a production of "The Connection" by Jack Gelber at Hull-House Sheridan playhouse; his face is contorted in anguish and his hands are between his knees

Bill Terry and Dick Lucas on stage in a production of "The Connection" at Hull-House Sheridan playhouse
Bill Terry as Sam and Dick Lucas as Leach on stage in a production of "The Connection" by Jack Gelber at Hull House Sheridan playhouse; Terry is holding up a limp Lucas - both characters are heroin addicts

Unidentified actor in loud striped suit on stage in a production of "The Threepenny Opera" at Hull-House Theater
Unidentified actor on stage in a production of "The Threepenny Opera" by Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill at Hull House Theater; he's wearing a loud striped jacket and tie, and eyeglasses hypnotic lenses

Barbara Eskin on stage in a production of "The Threepenny Opera" at Hull-House Theater
Barbara Eskin as Mrs. Peachum on stage in a production of "The Threepenny Opera" by Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill at Hull House Theater; she is holding an iron and looking to her right

Tom Kelly and Franklyn Alexander on stage in a production of "The Threepenny Opera" at Hull-House Theater
Tom Kelly (left) as Tiger Brown and Franklyn Alexander as Jonathan Peachum on stage in a production of "The Threepenny Opera" by Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill at Hull House Theater; Kelly is wearing a top hat and holding a walking stick and cigar

Pat Terry on stage in a production of "The Tiger" at Hull-House Theater
Pat Terry as Gloria on stage in a production of "The Tiger" by Murray Schisgal at Hull House Theater; Terry is sitting in a chair, holding a half-eaten pear in her right hand and reading from a French instructional book, with thirteen other books stacked in her lap

Stuart Eckhaus on stage in a production of "The Connection" at Hull-House Sheridan playhouse
Stuart Eckhaus as Ernie on stage in a production of "The Connection" by Jack Gelber at Hull-House Sheridan playhouse; he is gesturing with a cigarette in his right hand and his left hand in his pocket

Tedra Klein performing in a production of "The American Dream" at Hull-House Theater
Tedra Klein, sitting in a chair with her hands up, performs as Mrs. Barker in a production of "The American Dream" by Edward Albee at Hull House Theater

Beatrice Fredman and Tedra Klein on stage in production of "The American Dream" at Hull-House Theater
Two performers (Beatrice Fredman, left, as Grandma and Tedra Klein as Mrs. Barker) sitting in chairs on stage in a production of "The American Dream" by Edward Albee at Hull House Theater; Klein has her hands together in front of her. Several boxes wrapped in plain paper are in front of them

Tedra Klein and Douglas Elliott on stage in production of "The American Dream" at Hull-House Theater
Two performers (Tedra Klein as Mrs. Barker, left, and Douglas Elliott as Young Man) on stage in a production of "The American Dream" by Edward Albee at Hull House Theater; Klein has her arm behind Elliott

Ruth Stockard performing in Hull-House Theatre production of "The Days and Nights of Beebee Fenstermaker" by William Snyder
Actress Ruth Stockard as Beebee Fenstermaker looking through a window in a publicity still for the Hull-House Theatre production of the play "The Days and Nights of Beebee Fenstermaker" by William Snyder; production directed by Robert Sickinger

Arnold L. Fields on stage in a production of "The Threepenny Opera" at Hull-House Theater
Close-up press photo of Arnold L. Fields on stage in a production of "The Threepenny Opera" by Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill at Hull House Theater

David Eisen, Ed Shaeffer, and Mike Miller sing on stage in a production of "The Threepenny Opera" at Hull-House Theater
David Eisen, Ed Shaeffer, and Mike Miller sing on stage in a production of "The Threepenny Opera" by Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill at Hull House Theater; the actor on the left is playing a small banjo and the other two are colding a tray with an iron and liquor bottle on it

Tom Kelly and Franklyn Alexander on stage in a production of "The Threepenny Opera" at Hull-House Theater
Tom Kelly (left) as Tiger Brown and Franklyn Alexander as Jonathan Peachum on stage in a production of "The Threepenny Opera" by Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill at Hull House Theater; Kelly is wearing a top hat and holding a walking stick and cigar

Tedra Klein performing in a production of "The American Dream" at Hull-House Theater
Tedra Klein, sitting in a chair with her hands up, performs as Mrs. Barker in a production of "The American Dream" by Edward Albee at Hull House Theater

Dick Lucas on stage in a production of "The Connection" at Hull-House Sheridan playhouse
Dick Lucas as Leach on stage in a production of "The Connection" by Jack Gelber at Hull House Sheridan playhouse; he's smoking a cigarette and shooting heroin into his left arm

Elizabeth Moisant on stage in a production of "Play" at Hull-House Theater
Elizabeth Moisant on stage in a production of "Play" by Samuel Beckett at Hull House Theater; only her face, painted white, is visible (head tilted back, laughing) at the top of a large urn

Beatrice Fredman on stage in a production of "Play" at Hull-House Theater
Beatrice Fredman on stage in a production of "Play" by Samuel Beckett at Hull House Theater; only her face, painted white, is visible (speaking a line) at the top of a large urn

Leo Krug on stage in a production of "Endgame" at Hull-House Theater
Leo Krug as Nagg on stage in a production of "Endgame" by Samuel Beckett at Hull House Theater; he is wearing a nightcap

Pat Terry on stage in a production of "The Tiger" at Hull-House Theater
Pat Terry as Gloria on stage in a production of "The Tiger" by Murray Schisgal at Hull House Theater; Terry is standing by a door, holding her shoes in her left hand, looking panicked

Barbara Eskin on stage in a production of "The Threepenny Opera" at Hull-House Theater
Barbara Eskin as Mrs. Peachum on stage in a production of "The Threepenny Opera" by Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill at Hull House Theater; she is holding an iron and looking at the camera

James D. Middleton on stage in a production of "The Connection" at Hull-House Sheridan playhouse
James D. Middleton as Harry on stage in a production of "The Connection" by Jack Gelber at Hull House Sheridan playhouse; he has a cigarette in his mouth and is carrying a portable phonograph by its handle in his left hand

Bill Terry on stage in a production of "The Connection" at Hull-House Sheridan playhouse
Bill Terry as Sam on stage in a production of "The Connection" by Jack Gelber at Hull-House Sheridan playhouse; he is smiling and holding a long rubber tube around his neck and right foot

Don Marston on stage in a production of "Play" at Hull-House Theater
Don Marston on stage in a production of "Play" by Samuel Beckett at Hull House Theater; only his face, painted white, is visible (mouth closed, looking at camera) at the top of a large urn

Elizabeth Moisant on stage in a production of "Play" at Hull-House Theater
Elizabeth Moisant on stage in a production of "Play" by Samuel Beckett at Hull House Theater; only her face, painted white, is visible (mouth closed, looking at camera) at the top of a large urn

Leo Krug and Connie Mathieu on stage in a production of "Endgame" at Hull-House Theater
Leo Krug as Nagg and Connie Mathieu as Nell on stage in a production of "Endgame" by Samuel Beckett at Hull House Theater; both are in trash cans wearing nightcaps

Beatrice Fredman and Tedra Klein on stage in production of "The American Dream" at Hull-House Theater
Two performers (Beatrice Fredman, left, as Grandma and Tedra Klein as Mrs. Barker) sitting in chairs on stage in a production of "The American Dream" by Edward Albee at Hull House Theater; Klein is talking animatedly. Several boxes wrapped in plain paper are in front of them

Tedra Klein performing in a production of "The American Dream" at Hull-House Theater
Tedra Klein, sitting in a chair with her index finger raised, performs as Mrs. Barker in a production of "The American Dream" by Edward Albee at Hull House Theater