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Showing 101 - 150 of 584 Records






Memorial plaque for the Grand Army of the Republic Woods, River Forest
Memorial plaque for the Grand Army of the Republic Woods in River Forest. It was dedicated with this name in 1930 after the Forest Preserve District extended Washington Blvd. through Thatcher Woods Preserve, and built the bridge crossing the Des Plaines River. The land had been acquired by the Forest Preserve in 1917. (Info supplied by Trailside Museum of Natural History, FPDCC)

Boy Scout Troop 220 with flags at Pulaski Woods Forest Preserve near Willow Springs
The boulder monument is located in Pulaski Woods east. Photo taken in 1938.

Dedication of La Bagh Woods Forest Preserve - Ella La Bagh
La Bagh Woods is located at Foster Ave. and Cicero Ave. in Chicago, and includes a section of the North Branch of the Chicago River. It was formerly known as as Snell's Woods; the land was purchased from the estate of Mr. Snell in 1920. Photo taken in 1940.(Info supplied by Trailside Museum of Natural History, FPDCC.)


Architectural Illustration, Area 312, by David Laughlin
Artist's rendering showing a roadway approach and parking lot adjacent to a boat launch and docking area on a waterway.