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Hull-House Photograph collection

This collection contains thousands of photographs and artworks that pertain to Jane Addams, the Hull-House settlement house, Chicago's Near West Side, and other topics related to the history of Hull-House.
Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Records
Four members of the Adezio family performing at Hull-House Music School
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Antonetta (Nettie) Adezio (at music stand) and her children Carmen (cello), Eleanor (piano), and Louis (at music stand, violin) performing at Hull-House Music School; Nettie Adezio was a singer
circa 1940

Hull-House Photograph Collection

Public access

Four members of the Adezio family performing at Hull-House Music School
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Antonetta (Nettie) Adezio (at music stand) and her children Carmen (cello), Eleanor (piano), and Louis (at music stand, violin) performing at Hull-House Music School; Nettie Adezio was a singer
circa 1940

Hull-House Photograph Collection

Public access

Four members of the Adezio family posing at Hull-House Music School
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Four members of the Adezio family posing at Hull-House Music School. From left: Antonetta (Nettie), voice, Eleanor (seated), piano, Carmen, cello, and Louis, violin
circa 1940

Hull-House Photograph Collection

Public access