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Hull-House Photograph collection

This collection contains thousands of photographs and artworks that pertain to Jane Addams, the Hull-House settlement house, Chicago's Near West Side, and other topics related to the history of Hull-House.
Showing 1 - 12 of 12 Records

"Aniello" drawing by Norah Hamilton
Black and white portrait drawing of boy titled "Aniello" by Norah Hamilton, Hull-House director of children's art.

Cropped version of Norah Hamilton drawing "A View from Hull-House Window"
Cropped version of black and white drawing of cityscape by Norah Hamilton, Hull-House director of children's art.

Norah Hamilton drawing "'Canaries' in a Picric-Acid Plant," from Alice Hamilton's book "Exploring the Dangerous Trades"
"'Canaries' in a Picric-Acid Plant," drawing of four African American workers at a World War I-era picric acid plant by Norah Hamilton, Hull-House director of children's art; the plant was on the Canary Islands in the Passaic River in New Jersey

Norah Hamilton drawing "A Spent Old Man"
"A Spent Old Man," portrait drawing by Norah Hamilton, Hull-House director of children's art

Norah Hamilton drawing "A View between Hull-House Gymnasium and Theater"
Black and white drawing "A View between Hull-House Gymnasium and Theater" by Norah Hamilton, Hull-House director of children's art

Norah Hamilton drawing "A View from Hull-House Window"
Black and white drawing "A View from Hull-House Window" - cityscape by Norah Hamilton, Hull-House director of children's art

Norah Hamilton drawing "An Alley near Hull-House"
Black and white drawing "An Alley near Hull-House" with tenements, pedestrians, and a horse; by Norah Hamilton, Hull-House director of children's art

Norah Hamilton drawing "Polk Street Opposite Hull-House"
"Polk Street Opposite Hull-House" drawing by Norah Hamilton, Hull-House director of children's art. Black and white drawing of street scene with tenements, a child with a calf, and woman with a laundry basket on her head

Norah Hamilton drawing "Polk Street Opposite Hull-House"
Black and white drawing of street scene with tenements and cars by Norah Hamilton, Hull-House director of children's art.

Norah Hamilton drawing "Sweatshop Workers"
"Sweatshop Workers," drawing of two laborers sewing by Norah Hamilton, Hull-House director of children's art

Norah Hamilton drawing "Working Women at a Union Meeting"
Norah Hamilton, Hull-House director of children's art, drawing "Working Women at a Union Meeting," depicting eleven women at a labor union meeting

Norah Hamilton sketch of tenements
Sketch of tenements by Norah Hamilton, Hull-House director of children's art