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Hull-House Photograph collection

This collection contains thousands of photographs and artworks that pertain to Jane Addams, the Hull-House settlement house, Chicago's Near West Side, and other topics related to the history of Hull-House.
Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Records

Charlotte Carr, Louise de Koven Bowen, Dr. Alice Hamilton, and an unidentified woman in a covered entryway at Bowen Country Club during a Block Party
Hull-House director Charlotte Carr (standing on top and second steps, center); Hull-House president, treasurer, and longtime patron Louise de Koven Bowen (sitting in chair on entrance level, right), Hull-House resident Dr. Alice Hamilton (sitting on second step, right), and an unidentified woman (standing on top level, left) outside in the a covered entryway at Bowen Country Club during a Block Party event

Physician and former Hull-House resident Dr. Alice Hamilton addressing the audience at the 1940 Alumni Dinner, part of the 50th Anniversary celebration
Physician and former Hull-House resident Dr. Alice Hamilton standing at a long table addressing the audience at the 1940 Alumni Dinner, part of the 50th Anniversary celebration; behind her is Hull-House director Charlotte Carr, seated, and behind them a raised stage with a row of potted flowers at the front; also pictured are several unidentified attendees at her table