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Hull-House Photograph collection

This collection contains thousands of photographs and artworks that pertain to Jane Addams, the Hull-House settlement house, Chicago's Near West Side, and other topics related to the history of Hull-House.
Showing 1 - 7 of 7 Records

BCC Freedom Train -- July 4-1948
Men and boys standing next to large rendering of the Spirit of 76 train. L-r: Skippy Mannina, John Barone, Chic Scavone, John Briatta, Mike DiGiovanni, Gene Partipilio, Mrs. Hicks, Anthony Philips, and Joe Jackson.

Checking valise for bed bugs
Interior. Man looking through valise to check for bed bugs.

Eddie Swartz helping boy drink a glass of water
Interior. Eddie Swartz helping young boy to drink from glass in food service area.

Guffy Barme
Exterior. Guffy Barme stands with folded arms in front of Lansingh Cottage.

Inspecting children's clothing for bed bugs at Bowen Country Club
Exterior. Kneeling man looking through open suitcase on lawn.

Inspecting clothing for bed bugs at Bowen Country Club
Interior. Man looking through open suitcase for bed bugs.

Volunteer checking for bed bugs at Bowen Country Club
Interior. Man looking through paper sack for bed bugs. On back of photo: "Paper sacks make fine suitcases for Hull-House youngsters to take on trips to Bowen Country Club."