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Hull-House Photograph collection

This collection contains thousands of photographs and artworks that pertain to Jane Addams, the Hull-House settlement house, Chicago's Near West Side, and other topics related to the history of Hull-House.
Showing 1 - 50 of 78 Records

"A pupil at the Hull-House Labor Museum" drawing
Drawing by Unidentified artist of student at drafting table. Featured with caption "A pupil at the Hull-House Labor Museum" in article by Marion Foster Washburne, "A Labor Museum," The Craftsman VI (Sept. 1904), p. 570

"Aniello" drawing by Norah Hamilton
Black and white portrait drawing of boy titled "Aniello" by Norah Hamilton, Hull-House director of children's art.

"Dearborn Street" drawing by Vernon Howe Bailey
Streetscape by Vernon Howe Bailey of "Dearborn Street," with streetcars, pedestrians, cars, horse-drawn carts, and buildings,

"Mrs. Sweeney, the scrub woman" drawing
Drawing by Unidentified artist of "Mrs. Sweeney, the scrub woman," a worker at the Hull-House Labor Museum

"Mrs. Sweeney, the scrub woman" drawing
Drawing by unidentified artist of "Mrs. Sweeney, the scrub woman," a worker at the Hull-House Labor Museum

"The Chicago River" drawing by Vernon Howe Bailey (1908)
Drawing by Vernon Howe Bailey of the Chicago River, with boats and buildings

Adult art class
Six students at easels, five seated and one standing, working on still life drawings and paintings in Hull-House adult art class

Boy painting flowers on fabric in art class
Boy painting picture of flowers on burlap-type fabric in Hull-House art class

Boy sanding furniture in woodworking class
Boy sanding a piece of furniture in Hull-House woodworking class

Boys drawing in garbage strewn alley
Four boys (one seated, three kneeling) drawing on sketch pads next to overflowing garbage container in an alley during Hull-House summer camp art class

Boys drawing in garbage strewn alley
Two seated boys drawing on sketch pads in front of overflowing garbage container in an alley for Hull-House art class

Boys in copper class
Four boys in copper class at a table, with Hull-House art teacher Miss Mary Hashimoto

Boys painting in art class
Boys painting and holding up artwork in Hull-House art class

Ceramics class
Fourteen adults in a ceramics class at Hull-House

Ceramics kiln and objects
Man reaching into kiln with ceramic objects on table as part of Recreation Program at Hull-House

Child's artwork "The Ship"
Painting of a ship, by a child artist, tacked to a wall. Initials L.F. in lower right corner.

Children and adults woodworking outdoors
Panorama of children and adults in a woodworking class outdoors behind Hull-House buildings

Children drawing in garbage strewn alley
Twelve children making drawings in garbage-strewn alley with large back staircase for Hull-House art class

Children in painting room
Six children painting and drawing in an art room at Hull-House

Children painting and drawing in art class
Several children painting and drawing at table in Hull-House art class, with instructor Michael Gamboney in background

Children painting and drawing in art class
Several children painting and drawing at table in an art class on the third floor of the Smith Building at Hull-House; instructor Michael Gamboney is in the background

Cropped version of Norah Hamilton drawing "A View from Hull-House Window"
Cropped version of black and white drawing of cityscape by Norah Hamilton, Hull-House director of children's art.

Decorated ceramic pieces by WPA artist Louise Pain
Five decorated dishes and six decorated tiles by WPA Federal Art Project artist Louise Pain, in conjunction with Hull-House ceramics program

Drawing of "Immigrant Family" by Otto H. Bacher
1892 drawing by Otto H. Bacher, "Immigrant Family," depicting men with facial hair, three women, and a young girl.

Drawing of cooking room in Hull-House Labor Museum
Drawing by unidentified artist of large fireplace with teakettle inside and pots on shelf above in Hull-House Labor Museum

Drawing of cooking room in Hull-House Labor Museum
Drawing by unidentified artist of large fireplace with teakettle inside and pots on shelf above in Hull-House Labor Museum

Drawing of main entrance to Hull-House and Smith (Children's) Building
Drawing of main entrance to Hull-House and Smith (Children's) Building with pedestrians, by Hull-House art instructor Michael Gamboney

Drawing of woman at spinning wheel, Hull-House Labor Museum
Drawing by unidentified artist of woman at spinning wheel in Hull-House Labor Museum

Drawing of woman at spinning wheel, Hull-House Labor Museum
Drawing by unidentified artist of woman at spinning wheel in Hull-House Labor Museum

Ernest Fauzio drawing "Writing"
Ernest Fauzio drawing "Writing," three people at a table with a light overhead

Etching by Morris Topchevsky of Mexican Boy
Etching by Hull-House art instructor Morris Topchevsky of a Mexican boy wearing a hat

Girl drawing in alley next to garbage container
Girl standing in alley drawing on large sketchpad in front of an overflowing garbage container for Hull-House art class

Girl in ceramics class
Girl (Helen Laurienti?) glazing ceramic dish in Hull-House art class

Girl knitting with Charlotte Carr and others looking on
Girl knitting at a sewing table in Hull-House with a Hull-House Head Resident Charlotte Carr (left) and several other women and girls looking on

Girl painting picture of flowers in art class
Girl painting a picture of flowers in an art class on the third floor of the Smith Building at Hull-House, with a group of boys and instructor Michael Gamboney seated in the background

Glazing ceramics
Man and two women glazing ceramics as part of Recreation Program at Hull-House

Man leaning over drafting table
Man leaning over drafting table at Hull-House

Michael Gamboney drawing "The Circus"
Color drawing of a circus, by art student and instructor Michael Gamboney, tacked to a wall.

Morris Topchevsky drawing "Chicago: End of the Trail"
Pencil drawing by Hull-House art instructor Morris Topchevsky depicting five Mexican laborers in hats in front of an employment office with several signs in English and Spanish; tall buildings in background

Morris Topchevsky drawing of Mexican man selling pots at market
Portrait of Mexican man wearing sombrero, selling pots at market (1925) by Hull-House art instructor Morris Topchevsky

Morris Topchevsky etching "Siesta"
Etching by Hull-House art instructor Morris Topchevsky of a Mexican man in sandals hunched over to sleep, with a hat by his side

Morris Topchevsky lithograph depicting Hull-House
Lithograph "Hull-House" by Hull-House art instructor Morris Topchevsky

Morris Topchevsky portrait of woman
Portrait of woman (1926) by Hull-House art instructor Morris Topchevsky

Morris Topshevsky drawing of Mexican open air market
Framed 1930 drawing by Hull-House art instructor Morris Topchevsky depicting Mexican open air market, with a family selling wares under an umbrella in foreground

Norah Hamilton drawing "'Canaries' in a Picric-Acid Plant," from Alice Hamilton's book "Exploring the Dangerous Trades"
"'Canaries' in a Picric-Acid Plant," drawing of four African American workers at a World War I-era picric acid plant by Norah Hamilton, Hull-House director of children's art; the plant was on the Canary Islands in the Passaic River in New Jersey

Norah Hamilton drawing "A Spent Old Man"
"A Spent Old Man," portrait drawing by Norah Hamilton, Hull-House director of children's art

Norah Hamilton drawing "A View between Hull-House Gymnasium and Theater"
Black and white drawing "A View between Hull-House Gymnasium and Theater" by Norah Hamilton, Hull-House director of children's art

Norah Hamilton drawing "A View from Hull-House Window"
Black and white drawing "A View from Hull-House Window" - cityscape by Norah Hamilton, Hull-House director of children's art

Norah Hamilton drawing "An Alley near Hull-House"
Black and white drawing "An Alley near Hull-House" with tenements, pedestrians, and a horse; by Norah Hamilton, Hull-House director of children's art

Norah Hamilton drawing "Polk Street Opposite Hull-House"
"Polk Street Opposite Hull-House" drawing by Norah Hamilton, Hull-House director of children's art. Black and white drawing of street scene with tenements, a child with a calf, and woman with a laundry basket on her head