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Hull-House Photograph collection

This collection contains thousands of photographs and artworks that pertain to Jane Addams, the Hull-House settlement house, Chicago's Near West Side, and other topics related to the history of Hull-House.
Showing 1 - 14 of 14 Records

Baby's dance
Exterior. Women crouching on floor with small children for Baby's Dance.

Boys and girls folk dancing
Interior. Boys and girls doing a folk dance with fingers pointing in air.

Cotillion Date Night (1)
Interior. Boy and girl dancing at Cotillion Date Night. Other boys with hats standing near table.

Cotillion Date Night II
Interior. Couples dancing in room with streamers overhead.

Couples dancing
Interior. Couples dancing at dance party. Counselor Danny DeFalco is dancing in foreground.


Girl and boy going through line in dance class
Girl and boy under outstretched arms of woman and man in a dance class in Bowen Hall at Hull-House

Girls club in Bowen Hall
Large group of young women standing in formation at the center of Bowen Hall at Hull-House with crowd seated along the walls

Girls folk dancing at Mexican Fiesta
Two girls in folk costumes performing at a Mexican Fiesta on a raised wooden platform surrounded by onlookers in Hull-House courtyard

Girls folk dancing during Mexican Fiesta
Two girls in folk costumes performing at a Mexican Fiesta on a raised wooden platform surrounded by onlookers in Hull-House courtyard

Refreshment table
Interior. Teenage boy and girl at refreshment table.

Square dancing
Interior. Boys and girls square dancing. Left is boy nicknamed "Bughouse." Second from left is Mary Rose 'Sis' Caruso. Far right is Mary Ann Basille and Al Bax. In back, Lu Caruso.

Teenage folk dancing
Interior. Young people in jeans holding hands during folk dancing.

Walking in pairs at dance
Interior. Girls with leis and boys with hats walking in pairs at dance. Cookie (Antoinette) Valerio on left. Boy on far right is Frank Andriola.