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Hull-House Photograph collection

This collection contains thousands of photographs and artworks that pertain to Jane Addams, the Hull-House settlement house, Chicago's Near West Side, and other topics related to the history of Hull-House.
Showing 1 - 8 of 8 Records

Boy and girl looking up at grandfather clock
A boy (Tim Mulligan) and a girl looking up at grandfather clock in the original Hull-House building

Boy and girl with ceramic plate
Boy sitting on couch holding ceramic plate with flamingo design; girl standing to the right next to display case

Edward Jones, champion of 9-year-old boys gym contest, 1939
Edward Jones, champion of Hull-House 9-year-old boys gym contest, 1939

Paul Falduto, champion of 14-year-old boys gym contest, 1939
Paul Falduto, champion of Hull-House 14-year-old boys gym contest, 1939

Three boys looking at a map
Three boys sitting at a table exploring a folding map

Three children looking up at grandfather clock
A boy and two girls looking up at grandfather clock in the original Hull-House building

Three children looking up at grandfather clock
Two girls and a boy looking up at grandfather clock in the original Hull-House building

Two boys with jukebox in Hull-House boys' game room
Two boys in Hull-House boys' game room; boy on left is pressing button on jukebox while boy on right, kneeling on folding chair, looks on