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Hull-House Photograph collection

This collection contains thousands of photographs and artworks that pertain to Jane Addams, the Hull-House settlement house, Chicago's Near West Side, and other topics related to the history of Hull-House.
Showing 101 - 150 of 1073 Records

Boys on Hull-House staircase playing bells
Seven boys, members of the bell-ringer group at Hull-House Music School, standing on staircase at Hull Mansion rehearsing for the 1958 Hull-House Christmas concert

Boys painting in art class
Boys painting and holding up artwork in Hull-House art class

Boys playing board games in alley
More than thirty boys playing board games at tables and on the ground in an alley behind Hull-House; one is resting on a bicycle

Boys playing carrom in Hull-House game room
Three boys playing carrom, a table-top billiards-type game using disks and cues, in Hull-House game room; boy in middle is lining up a shot

Boys playing checkers in alley behind Hull-House
Two boys sitting in a brick-paved alley outside Hull-House playing checkers

Boys reading in the Boys' Club library
Several boys, mostly older teens, sitting in the library at the Hull-House Boys' Club building, reading periodicals and books; along the walls are bookcases with glass doors and a fireplace

Boys tasting frosting in cooking class
Four boys in Hull-House cooking class taste frosting from the bowl

Boys watch a pottery demonstration at the Hull-House 1951 Spring Carnival
Three boys watch two women at an electric pottery wheel at the Hull-House 1951 Spring Carnival

Boys' basketball champion team with coach
Six members of the Hull-House boys' basketball team the Comets, 1923 champions, with coach Robert Hicks in back; all wearing white tank tops, boy in front holding basketball with "Comets Champs 23" written on it

Boys' gymnastics class in Hull-House gymnasium
Ten boys standing in a line in a gymnastics class led by Andrew Kovach in the Hull-House gymnasium; the smallest boy, directly behind the instructor (far left), is Wallace Kirkland, Jr.

Boys' gymnastics class in Hull-House gymnasium
Young men in a gymnastics class at the Hull-House gymnasium, with small groups standing in line as one boy each poses with the rings, high bar, pommel horse, and vault table

Boys' gymnastics class in Hull-House gymnasium
Ten boys standing in a line in a gymnastics class led by Andrew Kovach in the Hull-House Gymnasium; the smallest boy, directly in front of the instructor (far right), is Wallace Kirkland, Jr.

Canadian Prime Minister and former Hull-House resident W. L. Mackenzie King at the entrance of Hull-House
Canadian Prime Minister and former Hull-House resident W. L. Mackenzie King poses with a foot on the step at the front entrance of Hull-House with a man opening the door for him; several people are looking towards them from the inside

Canadian Prime Minister and former Hull-House resident W. L. Mackenzie King engaging with six children at Hull-House
Canadian Prime Minister and former Hull-House resident (William Lyon) Mackenzie King sitting on a chair in an art room holding a child's artwork with three young children on each side of him during a visit to Hull-House

Canadian Prime Minister and former Hull-House resident W. L. Mackenzie King poses with a girl standing on a chair holding up her artwork
Canadian Prime Minister and former Hull-House resident W. L. Mackenzie King standing next to a young girl standing on a chair, holding her artwork, in an art room during a visit to Hull-House

Canadian Prime Minister and former Hull-House resident W. L. Mackenzie King speaking to a group of high school students from Indiana and adults about his time at Hull-House
Canadian Prime Minister and former Hull-House resident W. L. Mackenzie King speaking to a group of high school students from Indiana and adults about his time at Hull-House

Canadian Prime Minister and former Hull-House resident W. L. Mackenzie King talking to a girl at Hull-House
Canadian Prime Minister and former Hull-House resident (William Lyon) Mackenzie King sitting on a chair in an art room talking to a girl standing to his left during a visit to Hull-House

Cast of "Joseph and His Brethren" by Hawthorne Club at Hull-House
Twelve young men, members of the Hawthorne Club, on stage in Biblical costumes for a production of "Joseph and His Brethren," created by club members and Hull-House residents Enella Benedict and Edith de Nancrede, at the Hull-House Auditorium

Cast of "The Bartered Bride" on stage at Hull-House Auditorium
Large cast (21 adults and 5 children) from Hull-House Opera Workshop's production of "The Bartered Bride" by Bedřich Smetana on stage in folk costumes at Hull-House Auditorium

Cast of "The Bartered Bride" on stage at Hull-House Auditorium
20 actors from Hull-House Opera Workshop's production of "The Bartered Bride" by Bedřich Smetana on stage in folk costumes at Hull-House Auditorium; actor in center is taking a bow

Ceramic creche by Miguel Juárez
Ceramic creche created by Hull-House artist Miguel Juárez

Ceramic sculpture by Miguel Juárez
Ceramic sculpture of Mexican men by Hull-House artist Miguel Juárez

Ceramic sculpture of Mary, Joseph, Jesus, and a donkey by Miguel Juárez
Ceramic sculpture of the Holy Family, with Mary carrying Jesus on the back of a donkey and Joseph standing behind them holding a staff, by Hull-House artist Miguel Juárez

Ceramic sculpture of a Mexican band by Miguel Juárez
Ceramic sculpture of a Mexican band created by Hull-House artist Miguel Juárez

Ceramic sculpture of a Mexican cowboy on horseback
Ceramic sculpture of a Mexican cowboy wearing a sombrero on horseback

Ceramic sculpture of a cathedral by Miguel Juárez
Ceramic sculpture of a cathedral with two spires and figures of people at the base by Hull-House artist Miguel Juárez

Ceramic sculpture of two wood cutters wearing sombreros
Ceramic sculpture of two wood cutters wearing sombreros

Ceramics class
Fourteen adults in a ceramics class at Hull-House

Ceramics kiln and objects
Man reaching into kiln with ceramic objects on table as part of Recreation Program at Hull-House

Chancellor Norman Parker and Allen Davis at Hull-House 80th Anniversary celebration
Hull-House 80th Anniversary celebration. (From Left): Norman A. Parker, Chancellor Chicago Circle; Allen F. Davis, Professor of History, Temple University, Philadelphia

Charles Rich, actor in "The Bartered Bride" on stage at Hull-House Auditorium
Charles Rich, actor in "The Bartered Bride," on stage in a folk costume holding a heart-shaped pillow in a performance of "The Bartered Bride" by Bedrich Semtana at Hull-House Auditorium

Charlotte Carr addresses attendees at 1941 Hull-House Annual Dinner
Hull-House director Charlotte Carr addresses attendees at 1941 Hull-House Annual Dinner in Bowen Hall

Charlotte Carr and priest with attendees at Hull-House Christmas event
Hull-House Director Charlotte Carr (center left) and a priest (center right) surrounded by other attendees at 1941 Hull-House outdoor Christmas event 

Chicago Commons Settlement head resident Lea Demarest Taylor and Temple University history professor Allen F. Davis talking at Hull-House 80th Anniversary
Chicago Commons Settlement head resident Lea Demarest Taylor speaking with Hull House Association executive director Robert T. Adams (left) and Temple University history professor Allen F. Davis (right, shown from back) at Hull-House 80th Anniversary

Chicago Commons Settlement head resident Lea Demarest Taylor at Hull-House 80th Anniversary
Chicago Commons Settlement head resident Lea Demarest Taylor socializing at Hull-House 80th Anniversary commemoration; Allen F. Davis, Professor of History, Temple University, Philadelphia, is next to her (shown from back)

Child's artwork "The Ship"
Painting of a ship, by a child artist, tacked to a wall. Initials L.F. in lower right corner.

Children (unseen) in a horse costume for the circus parade celebrating Hull-House 50th Anniversary
Multiple children (unseen) wearing a horse costume made out of cardboard and construction paper for the circus parade celebrating Hull-House's 50th Anniversary

Children and adults decorating a Christmas tree
Two women and six children help decorate a Christmas tree at Hull-House

Children and adults decorating a Christmas tree
Woman (Marie Garcia?) and girl at table removing items from cardboard box while children decorate a Christmas tree at Hull-House

Children and adults woodworking outdoors
Panorama of children and adults in a woodworking class outdoors behind Hull-House buildings

Children around a table at Hull-House playing the board game Sorry!
Four children sitting around a table playing the board game Sorry!, with two girls standing at the table watching them

Children around a table at Hull-House playing the board game Sorry!
Four children sitting around a table playing the board game Sorry!, with two girls standing at the table watching them

Children at Hull-House nursery school
Dozens of young children in Hull-House nursery school, most sitting on the floor, facing general direction of the camera, some standing, seated at tables, and a boy on the right is on a rocking horse

Children at Hull-House playing London Bridge Is Falling Down
Several children at Hull-House playing London Bridge Is Falling Down with the adult sponsor, Mrs. Luehring(?), standing in the background

Children at Hull-House playing London Bridge Is Falling Down
Several children at Hull-House playing London Bridge Is Falling Down with the adult sponsor, Mrs. Luehring(?), standing in the background

Children at Hull-House playing London Bridge Is Falling Down
Several children at Hull-House playing London Bridge Is Falling Down with the adult sponsor, Mrs. Luehring(?), standing in the background

Children at a blackboard
Two girls and a boy at a blackboard with "Christmas is coming" written on the bottom; the boy is finishing drawing a Christmas tree; at right is Helen Laurienti

Children brushing their teeth at Mary Crane Nursery
Four young children brushing their teeth at a bathroom sink in Mary Crane Nursery; a teacher is providing the toothbrushes from a box