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Forest Preserve District of Cook County records

The Forest Preserve District of Cook County was created in 1914 with a mandate to “protect and preserve” the forests of Cook County. By 2004, the district had acquired more than 67,000 acres of forest lands. This collection contains the records of the district and other records and photographs that are relevant for the district’s history.
Showing 1 - 50 of 1603 Records

"Contact Your Legislator", 1957
Memo regarding efforts to protect Miller Meadow from purchase by the University of Illinois

"Dear Citizen," 1956
Memo regarding the attempted purchase of Miller Meadow by the University of Illinois

"Dear Citizen," 1957
Memo on the University of Illinois's failed attempt to seize Miller Meadow

"Dear Citizen," Letter, September 1956
Memo on the attempt to seize Miller Meadow by the University of Illinois

"Dear Citizen," March 1957
Memo on the withdrawal by the University of Illinois to of a proposal to seize Miller Meadow

"Development of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, Illinois" MA Thesis, 1949
Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master's of Arts, Department of History, De Paul University, Chicago

"Landscape Engineering in the Forest Preserve District of Cook County," Roberts Mann, 1943
Conference paper presented before the Western Society of Engineers

"Letters to Citizens," 1957
Memo on the withdrawal by the University of Illinois of an attempt to seize Miller Meadow.

"Outdoor Education in Metropolitan Areas," Roberts Mann, 1949
Conference paper presented before the American Institute of Park Executives

"People in the Out-of-Doors," Roberts Mann, 1946
Conference paper presented before the Central Association of Science and Mathematics Teachers

"Planning Real Estate Activities in Preparation for the World's Fair," 1929
Address delivered at the sixth annual meeting of the Chicago Regional Planning Association

"Recreation on Public Lands," Roberts Mann, 1944
Conference paper presented before the ninth North American Wildlife Conference

"Streamlined Maintenance," Roberts Mann, ca. 1940s
Memo on the impact of World War II and park maintenance activities

"What the School System Expects of the Park System," James D. Logsdon, 1960
Article outlining how parks contribute to national welfare

A Historical Review of Some Native Animal Resources of Illinois,' Lynn Henry Hutchens, B.A. thesis, 1938
Bachelor's thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Zoology at the University of Illinois.

Activities, Picnic, Highway Dept.
Large group at picnic posed in front of trees.

Airport Plan
Map showing locations of major, secondary, and minor airports in the Chicago region, including northwest Indiana and southeast Wisconsin.

Apple-bobbing at Camp Reinberg, Deer Grove Forest Preserve near Palatine
The outing camps are directed by the Cook County Bureau of Public Welfare. Campers are selected from among clients of the Chicago Relief Administration and from among Juvenile Court Wards. Photo taken in 1938. (Info supplied by Trailside Museum of Natural History, FPDCC.)

Architectural Illustration, Area 312, by David Laughlin
Artist's rendering showing a roadway approach and parking lot adjacent to a boat launch and docking area on a waterway.

Bent tree on county line near Glencoe
Trail marker tree on county line near Glencoe.

Bode Lake / Poplar Creek Driveway and Parking Area, scale: 1 in. = 20 ft
Plan and Profile; Northwest Division; Job no. 72-28; file no. 6-1, 6-12; sheet 4 of 13 sheets

Bog with shrubs and bushes
Bog on top of highlands ("divide") shrubs in the bog, bottom bush