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Immigrants' Protective League Records, 1919-1967

The Immigrants' Protective League was founded in 1908 as a resource for all new immigrants arriving in Chicago. The Immigrants' Protective League records contain reports, memoranda, case histories, affidavits, legislative bills, dissertations, press releases, resolutions, photographs, maps, addresses, statements, clippings, and articles.
Showing 1 - 24 of 24 Records
Citizens Committee on Displaced Persons, 1947-1948 (Folder 28)
54 Text
Mixed material relating to displaced persons in the United States, including pamphlets, statistics, meeting minutes, magazine article reprints and newspaper clippings.
Immigrants' Protective League records
Public access

Congressional Record articles of interest, 1949-1960 (Folder 18)
288 Text
Mixed materials including the First Semi-Annual Report of the Displaced Persons Commission to the president and congress; copies of the "Congressional Record" dealing with immigration, citizenship, civil rights, human rights and refugee rights issues; an appendix of the Interpreter Release with the text of President Eisenhower's immigration message, and clippings from the "Congressional Record" dealing with foreign policy and views on immigration.
Immigrants' Protective League records
Public access

Corsi, Edward, 1954-1955 (Folder 20)
85 Text
Newspaper and magazine clippings concerning the Edward Corsi affair, and an article by Edward Corsi titled "My Ninety Days in Washington".
Immigrants' Protective League records
Public access

Displaced Persons Arrivals Lists, 1930-1953 (Folder 27a)
89 Text
Publications relating to the resettlement of displaced persons. Includes a copy of the Displaced Persons Act, and a Senate Subcommittee report on German refugees. Includes a map showing resettlement of displaced persons.
Immigrants' Protective League records
Public access

Displaced Persons Occupations, 1948-1949 (Folder 32)
50 Text
Statistics and documents on employment trends in the United States, legal requirements for union jobs, and potential types of employment for displaced persons.
Immigrants' Protective League records
Public access

Displaced Persons Practice of Medicine, 1948-1949 (Folder 33)
7 Text
Letters from the Director of the Immigrants' Protective League asking about job opportunities for displaced doctors. Newspaper clipping about doctors who graduated from European medical schools being unable to practice in many states.
Immigrants' Protective League records
Public access

Displaced Persons Statement on Act and Procedure, 1948-1950 (Folder 35)
12 Text
Survey form from the Illinois Displaced Persons Committee, and a statement from the Immigrants' Protective League. Also includes newspaper clippings pertaining to the Displaced Persons Act.
Immigrants' Protective League records
Public access

East European Fund (Cassidy, Florence), 1952-1954 (Folder 36)
98 Text
Correspondence with Florence G. Cassidy concerning the East European Fund, immigrant communities, and assistance for displaced persons. Includes a conference paper "Coordinated Services for Displaced Persons", presented by Florence Cassidy.
Immigrants' Protective League records
Public access

Hungarian Refugees Clippings, 1920-1957 (Folder 46)
68 Text
Newspaper clippings about Hungarian refugees fleeing communist Hungary and resettling in the United States, particularly Chicago. Includes an appendix to the Congressional Record with a statement about the President's Committee for Hungarian Refugee Relief.
Immigrants' Protective League records
Public access

Illinois Displaced Persons Commission Survey, 1948-1949 (Folder 30)
86 Text
Documents concerning displaced persons in Illinois, including forms issued by the Illinois Displaced Persons Commission, letters, and newspaper clippings.
Immigrants' Protective League records
Public access

Illinois Displaced Persons Commission, 1948-1951 (Folder 29)
324 Text
Bulletins, meeting minutes, letters, handwritten notes, and other documents pertaining to displaced persons and the Illinois Displaced Persons Commission. Includes a copy of the first semi-annual report of The Displaced Persons Commission.
Immigrants' Protective League records
Public access

Immigrants' Protective League Annual Meetings, Director Addresses, 1945-1950 (Folder 49)
43 Text
Texts of addresses to various annual meetings of the Immigrants' Protective League by Director Mrs. Kenneth F. (Adena M.) Rich, discussing naturalization, citizenship, reunion of families, expatriation, immigration problems, impact of the Second World War and displaced persons in the United States. Includes copy of article "Current Immigration Problems" by Adena M. Rich.
Immigrants' Protective League records
Public access

International Refugee Organization, 1947-1949 (Folder 69)
131 Text
Material relating to the United Nations' International Refugee Organization (IRO) and refugees. Contains IRO publications and reports, including a copy of the IRO Constitution, the IRO News Digest from June 1948, a 1947 review of work undertaken by United Nations (UN) and its specialized agencies including the IRO, a UN Newsletter for July 1948, and a copy of a speech about the United Nations made by Secretary of State Marshall. Also includes a summary of the 1948 Displaced Persons Act, and some documents relating to the work of the Immigrants' Protective League.
Immigrants' Protective League records
Public access

Legislation, 1928-1956 (Folder 76)
319 Text
Legislation relating to immigration and civil rights, including a copy of the Internal Security Act of 1950. Documents include transcripts of federal government hearings on proposed amendments to the Immigration Act of 1924, documents about the "Hobbs Bill" of 1941, a special report of a House Committee on Communist Takeover and Occupation of Ukraine. Also documents issued from the American Immigration and Citizenship Conference, the National Council on Naturalization and Citizenship, and the Immigrants' Protective League.
Immigrants' Protective League records
Public access

Personal assurances (Folder 97)
5 Text
Form from the Displaced Persons Commission for sponsorship of a refugee by a relative.
circa 1948
Immigrants' Protective League records
Public access

Press Clippings on Immigration, 1920-1957 (Folder 98)
239 Text
Newspaper and article clippings on subjects relating to immigration, including the work of the Immigrants' Protective League, Mexican immigrants, Polish refugees in Mexico, and other refugees from Europe. Copies of Scholastic Teacher and Junior Scholastic magazines.
Immigrants' Protective League records
Public access

Refugee Relief Act, 1953-1955 (Folder 102)
59 Text
Information from the Department of State on the Refugee Relief Act of 1953 and on orphans eligible to enter the United States under the Act. Includes pamphlet "209,000 Refugees Wait", and tables showing numbers of refugees admitted to the United States, total number of assurances received, and statistics on visa applications from various countries and regions. Also includes text of address "Humanizing the Administration of the Immigration Law".
Immigrants' Protective League records
Public access

Refugee Relief. Children and Adoption, 1939-1954 (Folder 103)
8 Text
Press release from the Non-Sectarian Committee for German Refugee Children, notes on the Refugee Relief Act of 1953 as regards children adopted into the United States, and a memo with information relating to German refugee children.
Immigrants' Protective League records
Public access

Refugees from Europe, 1939-1954 (Folder 104)
19 Text
Pamphlet "Fences" calling for changes to the McCarran-Walter Immigration Act. Pamphlet issued by the Netherlands Embassy in Washington D.C. describing the Dutch Immigrant Program under the Refugee Relief Act. Newspaper articles on refugees.
Immigrants' Protective League records
Public access

Reports of Sponsors to Displaced Persons Commission, 1948 (Folder 34)
5 Text
Sample letter and form for displaced persons to report to the Displaced Persons Commission, as stipulated by the Displaced Persons Act of 1948.
Immigrants' Protective League records
Public access

State of Illinois Department of Labor, 1948-1949 (Folder 114)
54 Text
Includes a copy of a State of Illinois report "Labor Market Trends", correspondence with Illinois and federal governments regarding admission of displaced persons and employment opportunities in Illinois, a copy of an Illinois State Employment Service report on how displaced persons could be absorbed into the labor market in Illinois, and a table showing labor shortages by occupation in Chicago and in Illinois.
Immigrants' Protective League records
Public access

The Community Fund case studies, 1943-1946 (Folder 17)
73 Text
Case studies on immigrants and help provided through the Immigrants' Protective League. Some cases were the subject of radio broadcasts.
Immigrants' Protective League records
Public access

United Hias Service Bulletins, 1957-1959 (Folder 123)
136 Text
Bulletins issued by the United Hias Service for those who provide immigration and location services. Bulletins contain information regarding immigration and nationality acts, Jewish refugees' material claims against Germany, analysis of the law regarding immigration and naturalization service regulations, immigration quotas, adoption of orphans, employment and immigrant visas.
Immigrants' Protective League records
Public access

United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, 1943-1945 (Folder 124)
179 Text
Article clippings from "The Conference Bulletin" published by the National Conference for Social Work and from "The Compass", materials discussing international relief and welfare programs including a booklet "Relief and Rehabilitation in China" and other publications issued by the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) including issues of their Monthly Review.
Immigrants' Protective League records
Public access